You can edit almost all of the details on a cause after it has been created, although some premium features can only be added or changed if you are a subscriber to Brownie Points. 

Note: Only the host of a cause can edit the cause. The creator of a cause will automatically be the host of that cause, however, subscribers have the option to add multiple hosts to a single cause. 

In order to edit a cause that you host:

  1. Go to Causes in your profile and click view cause on the relevant cause card. 
  2. On the view cause page, click on Edit cause under the cause cover image.
  3. Here you will be able to change the details of the cause including:
    • Title and cause description;
    • Date, time and location of cause;
    • Upload a new cover image;
    • Cause type (i.e. donation, goods, volunteers and pledges); and
    • Several premium features like Supporter Preferences and Supporter Feedback and more. 
  4. After making the necessary changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update cause details

In order to access the premium features for causes go to the billing page